Educational Coaching Services

What Should I Expect?


To help you get the most out of your child's enrolment in Educational Coaching, here are some tips on what to expect:

1) Your child will receive lessons that:
  • Provide one-on-one attention
  • Are suited to your childs individual interests and abilities
  • Provide a safe and welcoming environment, free from distractions
  • Develop academic skills and a personal dedication to improvement
  • Inspire the enjoyment of learning and the confidence that comes with success

2) Students attend sessions regularly. For most students, this means attending 1-hour sessions twice a week. Regular attendance is a proven factor in promoting academic success. Students who attend their sessions regularly are able to progress at a faster rate and as a result, see earlier improvements that boost their confidence.
Please refer to the Missed Session Policy (also available to download on the Resources Page) at the beginning of the year for details on how to proceed should your child miss a session.

3) Students come prepared to each session. Students should come ready to learn and be equipped with the materials necessary to complete each session (writing utensils, school books, homework, and work from previous sessions, etc.). Students are encouraged to have a binder used specifically for coaching sessions that they can also bring.

To be fully prepared and further maximize the effectiveness of their sessions, students are encouraged to come well-rested and to bring a bottle of water.

Enrol your child in Educational Coaching today!